Broken Down Into Data: Palmdale in Statistics
Palmdale is generally known as the suburb and home of many families of different backgrounds. The vast majority of the small Antelope Valley suburb is made up of 58% Hispanic, 21% White, 13% Black, according to the census report. It is important to note, those who are of Middle Eastern decent are reported as White on the census, so it is questionable how many may be hiding in that data.

Amongst those who reside in Palmdale are foreign-born in countries other than the United States. 80% wereborn in Latin America, and 16% were born in Asia before making the journey to America. These numbers combined is about 25.8% which is slightly less of the overall rate of California which is 26.9%.

The language spoken in the home is also explored and divided amongst different dialects such as Spanish, English, and Asian/Islander, just to name the few. For children ranging in the ages of 5 to 17, 60% speak English, 38% speak Spanish, and 1% speak an Asian or Pacific Islander language. On the contrary, of all of the adults who are 18 and older, 53% speak English, 40% speak Spanish, 5% speak an Asian or Pacific Islander language, and 2% speak an Indo-European language. With Indo-European languages making up such a small percentage in adults, it leaves room to wonder if these languages are still being taught to children.

Palmdale is known for it’s affordability, which has been the cause for many families to move here. The general overall income makes up about two-thirds in comparison to LA. The median household income is $65,894, with $25,462 being the per capita income.

With Palmdale practically being a military city, the data on how many residents residing in the suburb are Military veterans is quite interesting. The data is divided amongst which war these veterans served in, from WWII to now. 163 residents served in WWII, 339 served in the Korean War, 2,003 served in the Vietnam War, 1,293 served in the 1990s, and 1,325 residents served from 2001 to now. Overall, about 6,361 total veterans live in Palmdale.